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What We Do

We can provide emergency and non-emergency services, as listed below.

Emergency Services

Our emergency services pertain to those clients who:

  • are about to be removed from the United Kingdom/deported

  • have been refused entry at the borders

  • have been put into detention.


No situation is too late for us to deal with, so please don't hesitate to call us on our emergency number. For example, we have successfully assisted clients who were just an hour from removal from the United Kingdom.


Non-emergency Services

Our non-emergency services include:


  • Preparing and submitting basic applications. 

  • Preparing and submitting appeal applications after a visa refusal. 

  • Securing the right of appeal. 

  • Preparing applications for judicial review. 

  • Preparing and issuing applications for appealing to the Court of Appeal. 

  • Release from Detention.


If you are uncertain about which assistance you require then you may like to try our checklist: 

Immigration status:
In detention? 
An overstayer? 
Seeking to extend stay in the UK?

Indefinite Leave:
Do you want to secure indefinite Leave? 
Has your Indefinite Leave been revoked?

Families/ Relationships:
Endured Domestic Violence due to your marriage? 
A parent seeking contact with a child? 
A parent seeking to sponsor a child minor or otherwise? 
A child seeking to sponsor a parent? 
Have your children been present in the United Kingdom for some 5-7 years?

Appeals/ Judicial reviews:
Seeking to appeal a matter? 
No Appeal Rights due to previously failing to submit an appeal on time? 
No Appeal Rights due to an application returned invalid? 
Need to Judicially Review a matter? 

Other situations preventing your return to country of origin:
You or a loved one (partner/child/parent/sibling) suffering a condition/ illness? 
Afraid to return to country of origin for fear of persecution? (e.g religion, sexual orientation ) 
Working in the UK? 


Summary of Services
  • Prevention of removal and deportation

  • Release from detention

  • Bail applications

  • Appeals

  • Judicial reviews

  • Entry-Clearance

  • Leave to remain

  • Claims against the secretary of state

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